One program down many many more to go. my first program went well this week. i had a lot to learn from the kids and from the mistakes i made. OEGs programs are very well supported so everything happened smoothly and the kids had a great time and bonded. My next program is on lake Eildon so my back yard essentially. its a canoe program so i am excited to get out on the water.
In my time off i have learned to water ski and am working on getting better. one of my friends here has a boat and is always trying to get people to come out with him. I was able to get up on one water ski and am now trying to get the carving down. i have finally moved out of the staff housing and am very happy in my own room and a big bed all to my self. i share a house with 3 boys who are all very nice and are happy to have a girl in the house to bring more girls over to hang out. hahaha. it talks me about 15 min to ride my bike to work and about 40 to walk but when i need to go on program there are always people driving who i can bum a ride off of.
above is a pic of my good friend TJ from the states. she is the reason i am over here and has been so good to me. its great to have someone who knows you from home when you are so far away.
friday i have driver training so i will be driving on the left and shifting with my left hand for the first time. that should be exciting and i hope i pass so i can get out of Eildon. anyway i am excited for things to come and have loved hanging out with my new friends and co workers.
this is a spider that lives in the staff house i just moved out of. its about the size of my palm. they can't bit humans but they are nasty looking. this one is eating a fly.